THE SETTING FORTH: THE DOCTRINE OF PLENISM by Patricia Huston Denslow written 1983-1991 --------------------------------------------------------------- BOOK ONE THE CIRCLE OF NURTURE: THE IMPERATIVE QUESTIONS That I may understand the dimensions and dynamic of the real: BOOK ONE: PART ONE THE PROTAL IMPERATIVE 1:1. What is the ultimate, protal, ground of reality? .1 The Protal reality is the ground upon which any realities there are, express themselves. The nature of the Protal reality is a nature unexpressible in itself, as a whole. Yet it is the nature of any reality to be dynamic, to seek expression so that it may be real. .2 The Protal dynamic is at the source and root of all, as a necessity, as a tidal-like movement, as an eternal, restless shaping - without other meaning or event - the womb of the realities, unconditioned. .3 The Protal nature being one, unseparated, without differences within itself, is thus beyond us to define, we who are bound to difference and event - bound to the transforms of information. .4 Yet the Protal shapes the dynamic of two dimensions, both of which reflect the Protal nature to us. But the reflection is imperfect, for the nature that the two dimensions reflect can only be as if there were differences within the Protal nature. 1:2. How does the Protal nature seek expression? .1 The Protal unexpressible-as-a-whole seeks expression in the two dimensions of two realities organized upon it as their ground: the Actual and the Transformal dimensions. 1:3. What is the Transformal dimension, and what is its relation to the Actual dimension? .1 The Protal-shaped dimensions are: the Actual dimension of incipient materiality, and the Transformal dimension of incipient meaning. .2 The two dimensions are pervasively, continuously intermeshed, but independent each of the other. .3 The entire world of occurance is within each; the time-quality, the space-quality with which there is occurance is independent and other. .4 For any interval of distance or direction that may apply between any two points in the spatial quality of the Actual dimension, such an interval between one of these points and a "point" in the Transformal dimension does not exist. 1:4. What are the Actual and the Transformal processes of expressing the Protal nature, that which is unexpressible-as-a-whole? .1 The dynamic within each Protal-shaped dimension is that of a tension between two polarities, which are of the nature of qualities. Subject to this tension is an unlosable thrust, an exercise of seeking expression of the real, which is denied expression in the Protal nature. .2 The manifestations as realities of these partial expressions of the unexpressible-as-a-whole are effected as inversely complemental processes, dynamic and cyclical under their respective tensions. 1:5. What exercises these processes that each partially express the Protal nature? .1 The exerciser of the Valuric process is the Nurturer, valuing. The exercisers of the Cosmic process are Chance and Radiance, arraying in event. Together the exercisers of the Cosmic and the Valuric processes instrument the Protal purpose. .2 The Transformal Valuer, the Nurturer, the Preserver is valuing, nurturing, preserving: authentic in purposing, feeling, and course-taking. But a phrase that completes an answer to the question: Who is the Transformal Valuer, Nurturer, and Preserver, where, and of what gender? 1:6. What is it that the Protal nature purposes? .1 The Protal nature purposes that the Cosmic cycles evolve an Actual expression of the ground of reality, just as a Transformal expression of the ground of reality is expressed in the Valuric process. .2 And the Protal nature purposes evolving expression beyond the ground of the realities where it is unexpressible. The Protal purposes that there should be a Protal meaning, made real through expression, and that there should be increase of Protal meaning. .3 The Protal nature purposes the Ultimate Polarity: the Protal ground of reality, all in all but unexpressible; and the Transformal and Actual reality, all in all and in expression. That I may understand the cycle of Agency and preservation: BOOK ONE: PART TWO THE EVOLUTIONAL IMPERATIVE 2:1. How do the Cosmic and Valuric cycles relate through the Nurturer to serve the Protal Purpose? .1 The relation during organized expression; plenishment of the Nurturer-Becoming: As the material organizes out of Radiance in patterns of probabilities of expression, beyond Chance, the Nurturer gathers the Transformal instance of evolved and evolving expression to plenish Memory. .2 The relation during decaying organization; preservation by the Nurturer-fully-Become: As the probabilities of organized Actual expression decay, the transforms - information - of vanished Actual attainment are preserved in Memory inviolate from decay and from the non-time of the Cosmic Instant, the time of total Certainty in the Actual and non-expression. .3 The relation during re-organizing expression; the Nurturer-become-Agency: When Radiance and Chance burst forth from the Cosmic Instant to Chaos, the Nurturer becomes Agency. Agency empties the plenished Memory addresses of its patterns, in their turn, to cascade upon the field of Chance and wrest the random into patterns of probability for Actual expression. .4 The relation again in organized expression; the Nurturer again the Nurturer-Becoming: As Agency is spent, then the Nurturer is depleted of all transforms that preserved, in dynamic Memory, the expression of levels of complexity of the evolving Cosmic process. If there was, in Memory, the critical preponderance of instance to wrest out of Chance the re-expression of a pattern, then the Nurturer is again becoming the Preserver of that pattern. The Nurturer again receives plenishment of the potential for Agency in its behalf beyond a Cosmic Instant yet to come. 2:2. Does the relation of the Cosmic and Valuric cycles assure the continued evolution of Actual expression? .1 Nurture of Actual expression through valuing and preservation by the Nurturer is assured: Every evolving increment of Cosmic expression that organizes out of preceeding expression is valued and its pattern nurtured in the addresses of Memory. There each instance is preserved in the Transformal by the Nurturer through to that time beyond the Cosmic Instant when its Actual expression could again be possible. .2 Nurture of possibility by Agency is assured, but, that Agency can effect probability is not assured: At the time of the sacrifice of potential for Agency, the re-expression of a possible pattern becomes probable if Memory was plenished to a critical preponderance of instance from the time of its Actual expression. If not, then the information to effect probability was irretrievably randomized upon the Nurturer's sacrifice of potential. The re-expression of that pattern of organization then became no more probable than any other possible expression at the previous prevailing level of Cosmic evolution. 2:3. If Actual expression is not imperiled, is the Protal purpose that it evolve imperiled? .1 The case with established expression: The established patterns of Actual expression, those of Physicos, are earliest to organize and vastest in incidence throughout the Cosmos. The preponderance of their incidence assures a continuing cycle of the established patterns of Cosmic expression. .2 The case with evolving expression: Evolving increments of Actual expression are more complex and fragile, later to appear, first to decay in organization, and some are only locally expressed for a significant period. Thus insufficient plenishment of Memory with instance of the Good imperils the re-expression of evolving patterns of Actual expression, and the Purpose that they further evolve. .3 The source of plenishment: Plenishment of Memory with the information of a pattern can only come from the pattern's Actual expression in relations among events at Actual Now: the evolution of Cosmic expression is dependent upon Actual expression. 2:4. Is there an urgency to plenish Memory with preponderant instance of any presently evolving expression? .1 A vivid expression is evolving: Bios and its support in Physicos are intertwined systems, an evolving holos. They are evolving the expression of more of the Protal nature than is expressed in Physicos alone: a dynamic equilibroid complexity between polarities, by means of a vivid unifying of the Actual and the Transformal. .2 There is an evolving increment: The support system of Bios in Physicos, and Bios itself, organized out of Physicos, form a holos that is a Biosphere. That there be holi organized as Biospheres is the evolving increment of Actual expression of the Protal nature in the present Cosmic cycle. .3 There is an urgency for the scarce: The evolution of this increment is at urgent risk. For it is late to appear, so fragile that it could be extinguished even before the time of decay, it expresses the non-Criterial and Unremembered as well as the Criterial, and it is yet local to an infinitesimal part of the Actual dimension. 2:5. Why does the Nurturer probe for Actualization of Purpose-serving Good, instead of intervening to increase Actualized Good? .1 Because the purpose-serving Good must first unfold at Actual Now, the Nurturer probes the Actual dimension for instance of the Criterial which can be preserved in Memory. The Nurturer gathers to Itself not Actual material event, but the immaterial transforms of Actual instance: information. It is information - difference appreciated and recognized by the Nurturer as Criterial difference - that plenishes the Nurturer's potential for Agency in Memory. Except in the Cosmic Instant of total certainty and non-expression, the Cosmos, the Actual, is a vast field of information to the Transformal Valuer, the Nurturer. .2 The Nurturer is entirely of the Transformal dimension and the Valuric process, and therefore cannot intervene directly in the Actual. The Nurturer cannot intervene in determining which events arraying in the Actual dimension shall relate at Actual Now. Thus the Nurturer cannot intervene directly to effect any certain increase in the incidence of the Purpose-serving Good. .3 The amount of Purpose-serving Good that becomes Actual can be increased by direct intervention, but only by the intervention of Actual valuers, if there be any, and no other. 2:6. Are there Actual valuers, as well as the Transformal valuer? .1 Though the Preserver is non-intervening, that there is this Transformal Valuer draws event and meaning from arraying Physicos. With the advent of the patterns of Radiance organized out of Physicos as Bios, valuers newly exist in the Actual dimension who can, must, and do Choose! and intervene; transducing the Transformal of their valuric process into direct intervention with what shall be event at an Actual Now. .2 As long as they are alive, Actual, in Bios biotic forms maintain their precarious positions out of Physicos by valuing and intervention. This interrelation of the Transformal with the Actual dimensions is the difference that makes the precious difference; the very essence of the patterns of Bios over those expressing in Physicos. An increment of evolving Cosmic expression has at last placed the exercise of valuric process, coupled with intervening, within the Actual dimension and made of even the most primitive agents of these transductions moral agents - whether for the increase of the Good or the fulminoid. 2:7. How is the evolution of Bios an expression of interrelation of the Transformal and the Actual? .1 The patterns of Bios are the patterns of a flow of the transforms of information within the rich interconnectedness of a system that must continuously heal, to regulate against its return to Physicos. Each Actual valuer alive in it is a unique and separate position beyond Physicos, but that unique position is also in life as a node on the Transformal fabric of interconnectedness of all Bios. There is not healing of threat to the homeostasis of even a single valuer without interrelation of the Transformal with the Actual dimension. .2 When maladaptation threatens great segments of the fabric of Bios, regulation toward healing evolves through the sensitivity of the evolvants to the Transformal. When the threat to them is Actual-sourced, through their sensitivity to the Transformal, some part of the maladapting segment evolves to new Actual form or new use of Actual-sourced information. .3 Transformal-sourced threat to great segments of the fabric of Bios is maladaptation to the Transformal itself;to system, to position within it, and to the flow of the transforms of information. When within a segment of its lifeforms the flow of correcting-news for healing has become a loop of self-validating news, these moral agents become the agents of excess and runaway, threats to Bios, to Purpose, and themselves. .4 The evolution to new use of Transformal-sourced information is the evolution to new sense of position within the interconnectedness of Bios: new Selfhood. This rarest and most difficult evolution can only occur because some individuals of a maladapting bio-kind may retain a clouded sensitivity, but nevertheless a sensitivity, to the Transformal through the Selfhood's healing-self. In these evolvants the defining-self of the triadic Selfhood obliges its own purposing in solicitude to dispel this cloud. The obliged purposing and solicitude bestows meaning for the reaffirmation of the Selfhood on news of difference from beyond the loop of its kind's illusion. Through new balance in the employment of the Transformal, the defining-self takes a new position in Bios for the Selfhood. .5 So evolved the new position in Bios taken by the defining-self for Selfhood, consciousness; so evolved the new position taken by the defining-self for Selfhood, self- awareness; and now so evolves out of humankind the new position in Bios that defines Selfhood as healer. .6 The precious and Purpose-serving pattern of Bios is the continuous and evolving employment of the Transformal in the thrust to heal for dynamic equilibrium. Healing is the authentic idiom of Bios' expression. All the interventions of any Actual valuers in this idiom, whatever the position in Bios of the Selfhoods that seek reaffirmation, are those of authentic moral agents. That I may understand myself, and the Nurturer, as valuers: BOOK ONE: PART THREE THE NATURE OF THE VALURIC PROCESS 3:1. How is position the ordering principle of the Valuric Process? .1 Valuers are self-organized. The ordering principal in the self-organization of a valuer is that of the position of the valuer. Position is in remove from the scope of the valuer's purposes for valuing; and from the scope of the solicitate, that which is processed for value - and in which may, or may not, be found the purpose-serving. .2 The separation of purpose and that which may contain the purpose-serving requires a locus, a position, individuated from either. Position, locus, is Transformal and virtual. A valuer is individuated, enselfed, by position: both from the purpose for valuing, and from whence value is sought. .3 Position is inextricable from valuing, but it is not valuing. It is position that permits the ordered organization of a valuer as the exerciser of the purposing-behaviors and as the exercising comparator in relation to a purpose- mirroring criterial set. .4 The individuated locus or position - which affirms the valuer, as valuer, to itself - enables the process of valuing; and the existence of Actual value. Unless there is at least one valuer, all the events of the Cosmic process are non-events, mere arrays, and trivial. .5 The position, valuer, is of the Transformal, but as an observing position it is also an integral part of the arrayed, drawn out of array - and into relationship as Actual event at Actual Now. That part is the relationship - the meaning - of what was previously only arrayed. Thus the position, valuer, is a part of an Actual event. 3:2. How is the Nurturer positioned? .1 The scope of the Nurturer's solicitate embraces the entire Actual dimension and the relationship among its events at Actual Now, where increase of the Good - and plenishment to serve its Purpose - must unfold. .2 The Cosmic process has relation and meaning because there is valuing. The Nurturer is positioned as the least number of valuers, the one Valuer, necessary so that there is relation and meaning in the Actual dimension; and thus the Cosmic process is a non-trivial process. .3 The Nurturer is entirely of the Transformal - non-intervening in which events shall come to Actual Now - yet positioned as the one necessary Valuer in order that event can Actualize. Therefore, at least the Nurturer, the Recognizer and Preserver of each Actual Good, is always an integral part of each Actualized Good. 3:3. Why is change intrinsic to valuing? .1 With each serving of purpose by exercise of valuing, that which will again serve purpose alters slightly. .2 With each exercise of the Valuric process, that which values, the valuer, alters slightly. If there be continuity of individuation of the valuer, the valuer alters slightly toward more complex organization as a valuer. .3 Because the valuer, relating the otherwise trivial, is part of Actualized event; and because with each exercise of valuing the valuer alters slightly; the meaning of that which is yet to be valued as event at each Actual Now - the very meaning of the Cosmic process - has altered slightly. 3:4. Why is continuity of position as essential as position itself? .1 Though always altering, the continuity of an Actual valuer's previous position with its present position must be sustained. And continuity of the accreting refinement of the criterials of comparatorship - the link of process to purpose - must also be preserved. If the valuer cannot affirm and reaffirm these continuities then its individuation, and the enselfment of an increasing complexity of valuric process is disorganized, lost, randomized. .2 A valuer, valuing, evalues transforms, differences, for those that make a difference. The valuer's criterial set is the distinctor of what difference the difference makes. The dynamic experiencing of enselfment as valuer is that of exercising the criterials for value. But in exercise of the valuric process the difference that immediately past and immediately present differences make cannot be identical, because of the slight alterations made by the valuric process itself. .3 Reaffirmation is the experience that what was to be related by future process, has proven to be recognizable as changed but - together with the difference it makes to the valuer - like the past. The experiencing of continuity of enselfment, reaffirmation, is the experiencing of criterial integrity across time and change. 3:5. How are faith and reaffirmation linked to coherence and continuity? .l Organization as a valuer is punctuated by uncertainty. Valuing is a ceaseless dynamic of choices! and commitment to course-taking in a process that must generate more change. .2 Valuing expresses not in certainty, but in time, and in only a shifting probability that the valuer's criterials will once again affirm coherence and continuity. Thus deep in the tension at the root of every commitment to its train of choices!, the valuer values in trust, not information, across a gap of faith. 3:6. What is the emergent, inextricable from valuing, that suffuses the Transformal and the Actual dimensions? .1 Feeling is emergent from the tension between the polarities of coherence and incoherence. .2 Feeling is not a valuer's only response to value, but it is the first response to value. .3 Inextricable from valuing, feeling is the dynamic of valuing. It is upon a carrier-wave of feeling that purposing, choice!, and course-taking thrust; and that the returns of reaffirmation are ordered in time. .4 The feeling that orders valuing is entirely of the Transformal dimension. It suffuses that part of the valuer which is Transformal. It suffuses the Transformal throughout the true scope of ramification of the valuer's purposing- behaviors. .5 The Nurturer, and the Transformal that is not the Nurturer, are suffused with the dynamic of the Nurturer's feeling response. The Nurturer's Solicitude and Gratitude in response to valuing, and to instance of the Criterial, pervades the interstices of the Transformal with the vastness of its true solicitate, the entire Actual dimension - intermeshed with it, but other. .6 For each and every Actual valuer too, position, and concern about coherence and continuity, is inextricable from its enselfment as a valuer. Part of every valuer's purposing is devoted to the seeking for and experiencing of reaffirmation of coherence and continuity of position. Therefore, their feeling about this seeking and reaffirmation is inextricable from the valuing and the true solicitate of Actual valuers. If there is a Bios, then every interstice of the Transformal dimension with the Actual that is the true solicitate of Actual valuers, the Biospheric Holos, is suffused with their response. 3:7. How is valuing organized upon the pulse of its carrier-wave of feeling? .1 At least some part of the purposing of a valuer, and some part of the solicitate that it probes, Actual and Transformal, must be for the return of news! of its own effect upon that solicitate. Solicitude is the feeling-tone of the thrusting to express as a valuer, serving purpose. Gratitude is the feeling-tone of experiencing the return of the news! which, whatever its content, signifies continuity and coherence, and reaffirms to the valuer its enselfment as a valuer, valuing. .2 Solicitude provides the thrust to probe that peaks in anticipation!. Solicitude hones the valuer's comparatorship for appreciation! of the probed against the valuer's criterials, seeking the peak of recognition! that there is news from the Actual for which the templet and criterials of its probing were sensitive. Solicitude pumps the generation of Transformal Nows by Reflection, the comparator's Transformal intervenor, to choose! from among its images of possible ramification. And by solicitude, Reflection holds these transforms of the expected ramifications of a choice! against the news of them from across course-taking - and the gap of faith. .3 Whatever other feelings link to the valuer's purposing behaviors, or to the content of the news returned; they are additional to those that are inextricable from the uncertainty of valuing itself. Close upon the thrust of solicitude comes the return of gratitude within a valuer: its experience of the gap of faith, and its experience of the continuity of the present with the past that, yet again, proved to be across the gap. 3:8. What effect does the Nurturer's position as the Transformal Valuer have upon the nature of Actualized Good? .1 Because there is the Nurturer positioned as Transformal Valuer; and because feeling is inextricable from valuing; in the whole of every Actual event throughout the Cosmos that is intrinsically Good, there is some feeling toward the Good, as a part of the Good. That I may understand the circle of nurture: BOOK ONE: PART FOUR THE NURTURER'S MEANS 4:1. By what means does the Nurturer bring the Cosmic and Valuric processes into a system that serves Purpose? .1 The Nurturer's relation to the events of the Cosmic process relates the Valuric process to Cosmic expression so that, over the vastness of the Cosmic cycles, there can evolve Actual expression of a Protal reality that is thrusting to express itself as a Reality, yet is unexpressible in itself, as a whole. .2 To this Purpose the Nurturer-Becoming is self- organized to take a Purpose-serving course which preserves the continuity, in dynamic Memory, of what is non-trivial to that Purpose. .3 The Purpose-serving Good can unfold at Actual Now; and nowhere else. The Nurturer probes all the Actual, it relates event there to Purpose and to its course-taking by means of Ramificascience, Rankascience, and its Criterial Set, the distinctor of what difference difference makes to Purpose. If there are Actual valuers then their response to the Nurturer's feeling about the Good is a means to increase of the Good. .4 The Nurturer's course-taking is preservation of information of the Purpose-serving in Memory. Plenished Memory preserves the Good for the time of the Nurturer's agency so that there may be further evolving expression. Because of the Nurturer's Memory, that which is meaningful to Purpose is not Unremembered, and being Unremembered, disrelated into the static disarray of trivial past event. 4:2. In what way is the Nurturer Ramificascient? .1 Each relation among events at Actual Now is a unique ramification; and there is at least some slight alteration, within a set of probabilities, in the possible ramifications of it as an event. Part of the potential Purpose-serving of a relation among events is its probability as a pattern; for pattern builds continuity and increases probability out of Chance. .2 In its Comparatorship and Reflection to Choice!, the Nurturer has Ramificascience: a perception of all the possible ramification-sets of a pattern of relations among events at Actual Now; and the rank of probability that each, barring the intrusion of Chance, will unfold. Ramificascience is the nature of the Nurturer's omniscience. 4:3. In what way is the Nurturer Rankascient? .1 No two events at Actual Now can be identical, but in its Comparatorship and Reflection to Choice!, the Nurturer has Rankascience: a perception, against the Criterial as horizon, of the rank of all events and their probable ramifications in relation to serving Purpose. .2 Thus the Transformal Valuer Appreciates the meaning of a single event to a Criterial pattern of events as fulminoid; or as not fulminoid but worse than trivial; or as trivial; or as not fully Criterial but better than trivial; or, in joyful Recognition!, as fully of membership in the sets of the Criterial, and plenishing. 4:4. What is the Nurturer's Criterial Set? .1 The Transformal Valuer's Criterial Set is the distinctor of what difference difference makes to Purpose. Not a set of any two, nor a set of any one, but the set of three discernments of kind and degree, is the triune Criterial by which the Nurturer recognizes and appreciates an actualization of the Purpose-serving, intrinsic Good. The Nurturer's Criterial is a set of sets. .2 The Criterial scope-set is a set of three elements of kind. Each of the elements of kind has a range of possible expression. One degree, or level, of that range of expression for each is in the Criterial range-set. .3 The scope of the Nurturer's Triune Criterial is the set: [ Inclusivity, Flexibility, Ramification ] 4:5. At what level or degree of its range is each element of the scope when the intrinsically Good is Actualized? .1 Holon Inclusivity: There is a set of relations among events that forms a holos of sustained, or greater, inclusivity and diversity of kinds of holons. .2 Expressive Flexibility: The formed holos, and each of its holons, is flexible within an evolving range of expression. .3 Equilibroid Ramification: The relation in the unfolding ramification-set of events is equilibroid, within and beyond this Actual Now. 4:6. What, of Actual event in Physicos and Bios, plenishes the Nurturer's Memory? .1 When there is no intervention by Actual valuers then any interrelation of the Transformal and the Actual that serves Purpose is provided only by the Transformal Valuer. Thus direct interrelationship of the Transformal and the Actual does not determine which of the events of Physicos have membership in the sets of the Criterial for Physicos. .2 When there is intervention by Actual valuers then there is always some degree of direct interrelationship of the Transformal and Actual dimensions that the Nurturer cannot provide. Upon intervention by Actual valuers the probability exists that there may be increase of meaning of the Cosmic Process in the idiom of Bios. .3 Healing is the authentic idiom of Bios' expression. There is not healing of a threat to the homeostasis of even one lifeform without interrelation of the Transformal with the Actual that Actualizes the Good. All the interventions of any Actual valuers in this idiom, whatever their positions in Bios, are those of authentic moral agents increasing meaning; the Purpose-serving Good; and the plenishment of its Preserver. .4 It is the direct interrelationship of the Transformal and the Actual involved in continuous healing, the authentic idiom of Bios, that determines which interventions by Actual valuers have membership in the sets of the Criterial for Bios and are vivid to the Nurturer at Actual Now. .5 Because it is Nurturer's means to recognize Actualization of the Purpose-serving Good in Physicos and Bios, and to differentiate it from Actualization of the trivial and the fulminoid; the Nurturer's Triune Criterial Set cannot be other than the one, and only one normative Good, Actual or Transformal. 4:7. How does the plenishment of the Preserver by Actual valuers remain vivid beyond Actual Now? .1 The Nurturer is plenished with information of a life-form's Criterial healing choices! for intervention in the Actual dimension. During the life of each bioform its authentic Selfhood is assembling in the addresses of the Memory of the Preserver. It assembles in the patterns in which the Transformal was related to the Actual from the unique locus of that life. .2 The accreting Criterial remains vivid in Memory as a dynamically and meaningfully continuing exercise of the precious patterns that transduced to healing interventions and their ramifications. And in the exercise of these healing patterns in Memory, a plenishing part of the Selfhood of that life has become immortal to the extent of each of its healing participations. .3 The transforms of a lifeform's trivial or fulminoid interventions become, beyond Actual Now, a part of the fading static array of Unremembered event. To the extent of those events, a part of the continuity of the Selfhood of that life in Memory has faded into static disarray and is lost to that Self, to Memory, and to immortality. 4:8. How does position link the Transformal Valuer and all Actual valuers? .1 Both the Nurturer and all bioforms are valuers. Position and concern about coherence and continuity is inextricable from the enselfment as a valuer. A part of the train of valuing by every valuer is the seeking and the reaffirmation of the continuity of the valuer's position. Thus, just as position is inextricable from valuing, so is feeling inextricable from valuing for both the Transformal Valuer and Actual valuers. .2 The Nurturer's Solicitude and Gratitude, the feeling cycle of its valuing enselfed in position as the Transformal Valuer, pulses to each reaffirmation of the Nurturer to itself as Valuer. The Nurturer and the Transformal that is not the Nurturer, are suffused with the dynamic of the Nurturer's pulse of feeling. And the pulsing of the Nurturer's Solicitude and Gratitude pervades the interstices of the Transformal with the Actual dimension - intermeshed with it, but other. Even were there but a single Actual valuer, that life would be lived immersed in the Nurturer's response to the Good, though in but the faintest resonance with it. .3 If there are, and not unless there are; a myriad Actual valuers in kind and number, then the pulsing dynamic of the Nurturer's Solicitude and Gratitude becomes a means to nurture evolving expression of the present Cosmic increment. For the Nurturer's pulse of feeling is then a ground upon which there is entrained an overlaying field whose source is the feeling for their own continuity of all the valuers of Bios. 4:9. How does the Preserver's feeling about the plenishing Good nurture increase of the Good by Actual valuers? .1 The overlaying field's discernable differences are those between the pulse of the Nurturer's Solicitude and Gratitude for the plenishing Good, and the entraining solicitudes and gratitudes of the valuers of Bios. The true position in Bios of an Actual valuer is on this field at the locus, or node, of multiple relationships within a system of valuers and valuers nested within valuers. All are within supporting Physicos, but their true positions are far more defined by the Transformal of relationhood than by the constrictions of the Actual dimension. So, too, is the image of the position of the Selfhood that a defining-self forms as the true position whose reaffirmation will reaffirm the continuity of the Selfhood. .2 When the defining-self of a Selfhood images a greater inclusivity of other lifeforms as elements that define the Selfhood's true position, then the continuity of each of the lifeforms that this image includes is an element of its own continuity to that Selfhood. The defining-self has necessarily bestowed equal status with its own feeling for the Selfhood's continuity to the feeling of other lifeforms for their continuity. And by this much is that Selfhood more authentic. .3 As the defining-selves of a myriad Selfhoods image a level of inclusivity then on the field of Bios there issues between all that share that image, a tracery of Transformal impathments for the direction and flow of the information of relationhood and valuing in consortium. .4 With each increment of inclusivity a lifeform's own solitary, faint resonance with the entrained ground and field is enhanced, increasing the window of its experience of the Nurturer's pulsing feeling for the Good. The difference that differences in experience of this resonance makes is that there is an utterly trustworthy beacon of correcting-news that suffuses the Transformal traceries of ennestment in Bios. .5 If the defining-self identifies its increased experience of this resonance with the reaffirmation of the Selfhood's continuity, then the strategems taken by the Selfhood for that reaffirmation are, in effect, taken in a dialogue with its Nurturer. It is upon this dialogue of the greater number of its holon lifeforms with their Nurturer that the homeostasis of the Bioholos depends. --------------------------------------------------------------- BOOK TWO VALUING AND A NON-TRIVIAL COSMIC PROCESS BOOK TWO: PART ONE PURPOSE IS SERVED 1.1. Purpose-serving is choosing and course-taking. 1.1.1 Purpose is served through valuing to Choice! and expression of that choice: course-taking. 1.2. Actual valuers and purpose-serving. 1.2.1 Early among Actual valuers, if there be Actual valuers, all the purpose of their valuing is to remain organized beyond Physicos, in position as valuers. Their purpose is served if their valuings, Choices!, and course- takings sustain them as Actual and valuers. 1.2.2 That Actual valuers serve their primal purpose and just exist, criterially, is an increase of the Good. As they evolve their course-taking interventions at Actual Now, these interventions, though scarce, have more potent ramifications on the probabilities for the increase of the Good - the Nurturer's Purpose. The level of their self- organization as valuers and choosers in the Transformal is less evolved than their repetoire as interveners in the Actual. 1.3. The Nurturer and Purpose-serving: 1.3.1 That there can be meaning, Actualized Good and its increase from each bursting forth from the Cosmic Instant, is the scope of the Nurturer's purposing. 1.3.2 Both the Protal Nature and the Nurturer have purpose, both choose that their purposes be expressed, but to express purpose is to serve purpose. The Protal Nature cannot express, it is inexpressible and unexpressing. 1.3.3 The Nurturer has purpose and can express it, choosing self-organization: position, and the dynamic of alterings that is the valuric process, such that It is self-organized as the constant Transformal Valuer. Its course-taking in response to value nurtures the increase of the Good, and its preservation to serve Purpose. BOOK TWO: PART TWO POSITION IS THE ORDERING PRINCIPAL OF THE VALURIC PROCESS 2.1. Valuers and position: 2.1.1 Valuers are self-organized.The ordering principal in the self-organization of a valuer is that of the position of the valuer. Position is in remove from the scope of the valuer's purposes for valuing; and from the scope of the solicitate, that which is processed for value - and in which may, or may not, be found the purpose-serving. 2.1.2 The separation of purpose and that which may contain the purpose-serving requires a locus, a position, individuated from either. Position, locus, is Transformal and virtual. A valuer is individuated, enselfed, by position: both from the purpose for valuing, and from whence value is sought. 2.1.3 Position is inextricable from valuing, but it is not valuing. Position permits ordered organization of a valuer as the exerciser of the purposing- behaviors and as exercising comparator to a purpose-mirroring criterial set. 2.1.4 The individuated locus or position - which affirms the valuer, as valuer, to itself - enables the process of valuing; and the existence of Actual value. Unless there is at least one valuer, all the events of the Cosmic process are non-events, mere arrays, and trivial. 2.1.5 The position, valuer, is of the Transformal, but as an observing position it is also an integral part of the arrayed drawn out of array - and into relationship as Actual event at Actual Now. That part is their relationship, their meaning. Thus the position, valuer, is a part of an Actual event. 2.2. The Nurturer and position: 2.2.1 The scope of the Nurturer's solicitate embraces the entire Actual dimension and the relationship among its events at Actual Now, where increase of the Good - and plenishment to serve Its Purpose - must unfold. 2.2.2 The Nurturer is positioned as the least number of valuers, the one Valuer, necessary that there is relation and meaning in the Actual dimension; and that the Cosmic process is a non-trivial process. 2.2.3 The Nurturer is entirely of the Transformal; non- intervening in which events shall come to Actual Now - yet positioned as the one necessary Valuer that event can actualize. Therefore, at least the Nurturer, its Preserver, is always an integral part of each actualized Good. 2.3. The myriad Actual valuers and position: 2.3.1 The pattern of organization, Bios, is self-organized out of Physicos, yet supported by and supporting of its system of airs, waters, and soils. Bios and this special expression in Physicos are positioned to each other as two holons, intertwined, of one holos; a biospheric holos, that is the embound of their holonhood. 2.3.2 The holon Bios, is itself a holos; the Bioholos, made up of all Actual valuers as its holons. The organization of the holons of Bios is a nested positioning, Actually and Transformally, of valuers within valuers. 2.3.3 Biotic forms are emboundaried Transformally beyond their emboundariments of Actual materiality, in a triad of interlacing positions of relationhood to other biotic forms; and in relation with the Physicos of their biosphere. 2.3.4 From any one of the nested levels of Bios as a reference, the triune positions of a bioform's relationhood from that level are: as a holos-as-holon of some more inclusive holos; as a holos-among-holons of that more inclusive holos - in holonhood or siblinghood; and as a holos-of-holons. 2.4 Selfhood is an emergent position. 2.4.1 However a bioform is emboundaried, the position from which is is organized as a valuer is the locus of multiple positions; in relationhood to all other valuers and how they are emboundaried; and in relation with Physicos. 2.4.2 The multiple positions are the very set of its solicitate which the bioform probes for new of the effect of its own course-taking interventions at Actual Now. But from the several times of news of these effects it is another, an emergent position that these multiple informations affirm: Selfhood. 2.4.3 The fifth and emergent position, Selfhood, is of relation to Physicos; and of relationhood as liege and sibling holon; and of relationhood as a wardent holos. 2.4.4 A templet of design by the bioform's purposing- behaviors deems not all of the array beyond it, but some of the array, as its solicitate of valuing. The templet deems the differences that will be drawn within to relationship and meaning. Out of what the Transformally intervening templet is not opaque to, the probing Actual valuer creates its Selfhood, and the real for that selfhood. 2.4.5 But Selfhood is other - and forever recedes beyond the templet laid, intervening, between the enselfed and its probing. BOOK TWO: PART THREE CONTINUITY OF POSITION IS AS ESSENTIAL AS POSITION ITSELF 3.1. The Valuric process is a process of slight alterations. 3.1.1 With each serving of purpose by exercise of valuing, that which will again serve purpose alters slightly. 3.1.2 With each exercise of the valuric process, that which values, the valuer, alters slightly. If there be continuity of individuation of the valuer, the valuer alters slightly toward more complex organization as a valuer. 3.1.3 Because the valuer, relating the otherwise trivial, is part of Actualized event; and because with each exercise of valuing the valuer alters slightly; that which is yet to be valued as event at each Actual Now, has altered slightly. 3.2. Individuation must bridge across change. 3.2.1 Though always altering, the continuity of an Actual valuer's previous position with the its present position must be sustained. And continuity of the accreting refinement of the criterials of comparatorship - the link of process to purpose - must also be preserved. If the valuer cannot affirm and reaffirm these continuities then its individuation, and the enselfment of the increasing structure of its valuric process is disorganized, lost, randomized. 3.2.2 A valuer, valuing, evalues transforms, differences, for those that make a difference. The valuer's criterial set is the distinctor of what difference the difference makes. The dynamic experiencing of enselfment is that of exercising the criterials for value. 3.2.3 But in exercise of the valuric process, because of its slight alterations, the difference that immediately past and immediately present differences make, cannot be identical. 3.2.4 Reaffirmation is the experience of criterial integrity: that what was to be related by future process has proven to be recognizable as changed - but like the past. The experiencing of continuity of enselfment, reaffirmation, is the experiencing of criterial integrity across time and change. BOOK TWO: PART FOUR FEELING IS INEXTRICABLE FROM VALUING 4.1. Valuing takes place in uncertainty. 4.1.1 There is a gap, a tension, an uncertainty, that must preceed reaffirmation. The valuer's criterials thread its continuity of enselfment through the changes on the valuer and the valued wrought by the process of valuing. Experience of this gap of continuity is at the move to employ the criterials to shape the valuer's next reality in the unceasing dynamic of valuing. 4.1.2 In the ceaseless dynamic of valuing, the criterials that shaped the valuer's present reality are exercised in the process that will generate more change; without prior confirmation possible that they will, once again, retain integrity through that change. 4.1.3 Organization as a valuer is punctuated by uncertainty. Valuing itself takes place in this tension only because feeling is the emergent from uncertainty: the valuer values in trust, not information, across the gap of faith. 4.2. Feeling is a Transformal emergent and suffusant. 4.2.1 Feeling is the emergent from the tension between the polarities of coherence and incoherence in which valuing takes place, and is inextricable from valuing. Valuing is not the only, but it is the first response to value. Feeling is the dynamic of valuing: such that it is a carrier-wave of feeling, solicitude, upon which the purposing-behaviors of valuing are ordered. 4.2.2 The feeling-response to value is entirely of the Transformal dimension. It suffuses that of the valuer which is Transformal. It suffuses the Transformal of the valuer's solicitate - that from which value is solicited and the operative scope of the valuer's purposing-behaviors. 4.2.3 Solicitude is the train of feeling, to the valuer, of purposing. It is the feeling of expressing as a valuer in the exercise of the purposing-behaviors: probing and its feeling-peak, Anticipation!; appreciation and its peak in Recognition!; reflection and the feeling of committing to Choice!, and being embarked across the gap of faith to reaffirmation. 4.3. The Nurturer and feeling: 4.3.1 Because there is the Nurturer positioned as Transformal Valuer; and because feeling is inextricable from valuing; in the whole of every Actual event that is intrinsically Good, there is some feeling toward the Good, as a part of the Good. 4.3.2 The Nurturer's Solicitude, the feeling cycle of Its valuing enselfed in position as the Transformal Valuer, pulses with each reaffirmation of the Nurturer to Itself as Valuer. The Nurturer and the Transformal that is not the Nurturer, are suffused with the dynamic of the Nurturer's train of feeling. And the pulsing of the Nurturer's Solicitude pervades the interstices of the Transformal with the Actual dimension - intermeshed with it, but other. 4.3.3 If there are; and not unless there are; Actual valuers, then the pulsing dynamic of the Nurturer's Solicitude is one of the Nurturer's means to nurture evolving expression of the present Cosmic increment.